Showing 281 - 284 of 284 results

Why do I choose not to eat?

I really hope you can help me. I'm 21 years old and never had any problems with eating. At 18, I sunk into a very deep depression and since then my eating has not been the same. It started slowly, where I would just skip a meal every now and then, but now I sometimes choose to go for days without eating and it's not because I want to lose weight, even though I have lost quite a bit, I just feel like I can't change anything in my life. I love my friends and I always have a great time with them, but at the same time, I find it so much easier to not eat when with them. That's what I can't understand. Why, if I feel happy around my friends, do I still choose not to eat? I went for almost a week without eating when I was away with them. For some bizarre reason, I feel better about my life when I stick to my decision to not do something, but at the same time, I want to stop, but I'm afraid I'll get really depressed. It doesn't really hurt me, but my friends harass me and I can't help them to understand when I don't even understand. Why am I doing this??

When do I need to get treatment for depression?

I'm a college student who is struggling with the decision on when to see a doctor for treatment with my depression symptoms. I believe that I need to get treated for depression, but I'm just as scared about not getting treatment as I am about starting antidepressant drugs in my current lifestyle. As far as I can tell, I'm exhibiting the classic symptoms of depression, and have been for a while — frequent crying fits, days where I lose all motivation, and sometimes, even thoughts of suicide. But I drink frequently, almost every weekend, and use marijuana occasionally, and I am quite unsettled by the possible interactions between antidepressants and these other substances. In my day to day life I do very well — I hold a good GPA, have good relationships and a good social life, function well most of the time, and stay in shape for sports. I don't intend to change my lifestyle significantly to make room for depression treatment. But when do I need to get help? I don't want to force an unnecessary change on myself, but I don't want to put myself in danger from depression, or even worse, from the drug interactions between antidepressants and alcohol or weed. What is the tipping point?