Am I anorexic if I can never decide what to eat?

I have a problem with food. I hate it and never know what I want to eat. Sometimes I'll be famished to the point of shaking, and I'll just lie there thinking about what to put into my body, sometimes for hours. I know I should eat something, and I really am hungry, but at the same time, nothing appeals to me. Is this a form of anorexia? Or could it be a symptom of stress, depression, etc.? I would really appreciate it if you could help me.

Is it safe to get a UV tattoo?

A friend of a friend told me all about this ultraviolet/blacklight tattoo method. It was deemed unsafe earlier when it first came out, but apparently now it is completely safe. This friend of a friend said she does these tattoos all the time now and is really good about not scarring. So I'm not worried about anything like scarring being seen, I'm just worried about getting cancer and other accusations when ultraviolet tattoo first came out.

Why are my nipples hard?

Is there a reason behind spontaneous nipple hard-ons? Lately one of my nipples just stays that way for the majority of the day. It's irritating! Is there a reason behind it?

How to relieve pain from carpal tunnel syndrome?

My wife has been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. She is interested in finding out what methods are available to relieve the pain. Of the methods available is there a treatment which will not have a long recovery period? We have 3 kids and it would be very difficult for her to be able to not use her hands for much more than a weekend.

Can I lose fat and build muscle mass at the same time?

A friend of mine and I were disagreeing about this point and I thought maybe you could help. I have heard that it is not possible to both lose fat and build muscle mass simultaneously: ideally, a person should do cardiovascular exercise with dieting to lose extra body fat, and then start to focus on building up muscle mass. He says it's possible to both burn fat and build up muscle over the same period of time. Which is the case?