How do I learn to not judge interracial relationships?

I find that I get a feeling that I do not know how to explain; it is sort of a sad, discouraged feeling, when I see a black man with a white woman. I am a black female adolescent (20 y/o). I am not a racist. Also, I know of many people both black and white who are not racists but feel the same way. I am not angry at interracial couples when I see them together or anything of that sort. How can I be at ease when I see them, besides that it is not my business? I want to know what possible underlying causes can make people feel this way. How do I unlearn this habit?

What are the health benefits of pomegranates?

I understand pomegranates are very good for you; being very high in antioxidants. How do you eat them? What about POM juice; is that just as good? How many ounces should I drink a day to be effective and yet not wasteful? Finally, pomegranate capsules bought in a health food store are much cheaper. Is a capsule a day just as effective?

What's the value of food sensitivity tests?

First of all I would like to thank you for your work and help. Could you tell me, what is the significance of expensive food sensitivity tests based on IgG values? Most people receive a list of dozens of foods to eliminate from their diets without causing them any problems. I think it can lead to develop eating disorders or nutrient deficiencies. What do you think? Thank you so much for your opinion!

Why am I having trouble ejaculating?

1) I am a 20 year old male. My problem is that I have never ejaculated. I have no problem getting and maintaining an erection, but it seems as though I cannot ejaculate. If I masturbate for about ten minutes, my toes begin to become numb at a peak time. I have had several wet dreams, which I assume are semen. I also read an article where when passing a bowel movement, sometimes semen can come out of the penis. This happens for me as well. Do I have a serious problem? Eventually, I want to have children, and I am wondering if this could stop that. Thank You.

2) I don't know what to do! My boyfriend has no trouble becoming sexually aroused around me, but when we try to have sex, he just doesn't seem to be able to actually have an orgasm and ejaculate. He only has had one with hand stimulation when hand cream is involved, but not otherwise. Oral sex does not even work. This is very frustrating; he tells me it's his fault but I feel like it's mine. Plus, he says he didn't have as much trouble with his past girlfriends, but that he cares about me so much more than them. I'm really confused. Is there anything either one of us can do?