Why do my boyfriend's balls move on their own?

I have a weird question. My boyfriend and I were talking and he told me that men's balls move on their own throughout the day. I did not believe him so he showed me. He got undressed and laid back on the bed and told me to lift his penis and watch real close. I did and unbelievably, his balls moved. It's like they vibrated kind of like a heart beat. It was so cool. What makes a man's balls move alone?

Are there concerns about only eating peanut butter?

I am a student who is a very picky and health-conscious eater and have grown tired of the food offered in the cafeteria. A good portion of my dietary consumption is in the form of natural peanut butter. I can sit and consume half of a jar in one sitting because I get so hungry and it is the only thing that really satisfies my hunger. Is this a bad thing, and if it is, how can I go about fixing it?

How many times a day do people typically get erections?

Should a normal man's penis become erect for a certain number of times throughout one day (without any external stimulus)? Or, do these erections occur only while a man is sleeping? I have been masturbating once every day or every other day, and I have noticed that I rarely get any of those spontaneous erections during the day at all. Plus, I have been waking up with no morning erection during the past week. Have I been masturbating too much?

Do male-identified people have body image concerns?

1) My boyfriend, who I have been dating for a while now, says that he is fat and I don't think he is. He is built, but he isn't fat. And he talks about it all the time, and I just don't know what to say to him. He said that when he used to talk with his other girlfriend about it, that she would say, "well, go on a diet," and he said that made him feel like he was fat. And I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I know that by losing weight, he would feel better about himself. But I like him for who he is and how he looks. But what should I say to him when he says things like he is fat, do you think I'm fat, etc.?

2) I am a male, 24 years old, height 5'10", and currently I weigh 143 lbs... When I was 17 or so, I weighed a hefty 190 lbs... at that time, that really had a negative effect on my self image, and now at 143, I still don't think I'm thin enough... I have lost all my weight 100 percent through diet and running about 20 miles/week... but I don't eat enough and I always worry before I leave home if I "look ok"? Do I have serious issues?!?

Can I prevent erections or make them go away?

I am a male who experiences a lot of spontaneous erection. It's almost comical. My problem is that I model nude for art classes and have difficulty preventing or getting rid of my erection. The whole thinking about something else idea never works for me. I was wondering if you could tell me of a cream or something I could use to prevent an erection or possibly make an erection go away. I've tried the usual muscle and arthritis creams, but those don't work. I can still get an erection anyway. Is there something that numbs for a period of a few hours that I could use? I thought of using some desensitizing creams you can find at adult stores, but didn't bother trying them because I figured they're designed to help you keep your erection, not lose it. It would be very helpful if you could help me out.