Theme of the Week // August 5, 2024 Snack Time Why do dairy products suddenly taste bad? Will probiotic-enriched yogurt aid digestion? Which acidic foods can lead to tooth decay? Are there concerns about only eating peanut butter? What are some quick and healthy bag lunches?
Theme of the Week // July 29, 2024 Rear View What can I do to stop having nervous bowel movements? Why do my bowel movements stink so much? Why can I see whole food in my bowel movements? How can I hygienically wear a thong and wipe my bum? Is hot sauce the source of my anal aggravation?
Theme of the Week // July 22, 2024 National "Self"ie Day Is it normal to talk to yourself? How can I support a friend with mental health concerns when I’m struggling myself? Do I have hypochondria? How can I forgive myself after being sexually abused? How can I improve my self-esteem?
Theme of the Week // July 15, 2024 Grief and Loss Will I ever get over my grief? Why did my father abandon me? How long does mourning last? Who can I talk to about loss? How can I work through the grief of a child's death?
Theme of the Week // July 8, 2024 Summer Fun Why is my hair green after swimming? Can clothes protect my skin from the sun? Are there hygiene concerns when it comes to buying used swimwear? What health risks do humans face from polluted oceans? Do nude sunbathers need extra sun protection?
Theme of the Week // July 1, 2024 Stay Cool Can I use ice cubes to improve oral sex? Do dried blueberries have the same health benefits as fresh blueberries? Does frozen yogurt freeze the good bacteria? Does eating ice correct an iron deficiency? Can menthol cough drops be used during oral sex?
Cutout of people Theme of the Week // June 24, 2024 Reflections on families Why did my father abandon me? Where can I find support as an adult child of an alcoholic? How can I help my friend whose mom has cancer? How do I break the cycle of addiction? Will I ever get over my grief?
Pride flags against blue sky Theme of the Week // June 17, 2024 Pride Month Am I bi, gay, pansexual, or something else? Why do people do drag? How can I find other lesbians and stop masturbating? Do gay men ever have sex with women? How do I define my sexuality and tell my parents about my transgender partner?
Person shielding face from sun with their hand Theme of the Week // June 10, 2024 Beat the heat Does sweating release toxins? How can I cure a sunburn? Where can I store my medication when it's hot? Are darker sunglasses worse for your eyes? Are there risks involved in hot yoga?
Running shower water Theme of the Week // June 3, 2024 That good "everything" shower Does a shampoo additive (sodium lauryl sulfate) cause cancer? Does washing immediately after intercourse prevent pregnancy? What’s the best temperature water to shower in to kill bacteria? Is it okay to reuse bath towels?